Where it all began:
10/2009 - decided to start the crazy ride of becoming mommies - had 1st consultation with "regular" doctor who's clinic specializes in IUI (unmonitored)
12/2009 - dinner with "acquaintance" friends (old HS friend - hadn't seen her in 18+ years) and picked their brains about their daughter born via IUI.
1/2010 - IUI #1 - BFN
2/2010 - IUI #2 (back to back insems) - BFN
3/2010 - IUI #3 - BFN
4/2010 - scheduling issues - unable to do insem
5/2010 - HSG test - everything looked "great"
5/2010 - IUI #4 - BFN
6/2010 - switched donors - too late to do insem - period goofy
7/2010 - IUI #5 - new donor - BFN
8/2010 - IUI #6 (back to back insems) - new donor - BFN
9/2010 - IUI #7 - BFN (happy bday to me - big 37)
10/2010 - unable to do insem
11/2010 - IUI#8 - BFN
11/2010 - beyond irritated - after reading many blogs...asked why they hadn't placed me on Clomid or anything - they said "oh yeah I guess we could try that"...grrrrrr!
12/2010 (beginning of the month) - IUI #9 - Clomid 50mg days 5-9 - BFN
12/2010 (end of the month) - IUI #10 - Clomid 100mg days 5-9 - BFN
1/2011 - asked clinic again why I hadn't been referred to a infertility specialist...they said "oh I suppose you should go". Scheduled consultation with infertility center and fast forwarded to my first U/S with them. Felt really good about the change.
1/2011 - IUI #11 - new donor, Clomid 100mg days 3-7, U/S monitoring, Ovidrel, Progresterone - BFN
2/2011 - IUI #12 - Clomid 100mg days 3-7, U/S monitoring, Ovidrel, Progresterone - BFN
3/2011 - IUI #13 - Clomid 100mg days 3-7, U/S monitoring, Ovidrel, Progresterone - BFN
4/2011 - talked to RE and she said that everything looks great - doesn't have a good explanation why I'm not pregnant and that at this point and with my age - IVF is the next suggested option.
estimated total for all of the above out of pocket=$7200
5/2011-8/2011 - Took the Spring/Summer off - worked on "normal" things such as house projects and spending time together and talked about non TTC topics.
9/2011 - #14 - back on the roller coaster ride - set up meetings and pre-IVF appointments. Next up - RN consulation on 10/10. Weeeeeeeeee! (happy bday to me - turning 38)
10/2011 - RN Consult - got my meds ordered and ready to begin on 10/21
10/20 - Baseline U/S showed 19 follies on right and 18 on left (wow)
10/21 - start Menopur and Follistim (75)
10/29 - 2 shots of Ovidrel...here we go
10/31 - early AM retrieval - 10 total but found out a few days later that 1 was just a mass so really 9 follies
11/2 - call from RN on follies - 9 to start, 8 fertilize and are dividing nicely and expect to be 2-4 cells
11/4 - call from RN w/ update - Saturday will be the day - 5 day transfer
11/5 - Dr transfers 2 beautiful blastocysts - unfortunately none made it to freeze
11/9 - started Vivelle patches
11/14 - happy 9 year anny for me and my sweet Spice girl (ha!) and also first beta - 14 - YUCK!
11/16 - beta 28 - still YUCK! Dr says that levels are extremely low and need to prepare myself for bad news
11/23 - prepared for bad news but didn't make it any easier to hear beta was 233 after a week. Dr says it's not a viable pregnancy
11/30 - beta 570 - Dr was right (JERK!) - not viable
12/10/2011 - D&C performed and dreams crushed
estimated total for IVF, all out of pocket=$9000 for procedure + $2200 for meds/shots=$11,200
12/2011-1/2013 - forced to go back to regular life without TTC since the pockets were empty, the well is dry, the money tree vanished, etc. 1 donor vial remained in storage
2/1/2013 - Try #15 - at home insemination with remaining vial. First try at home...BFN
4/2013 - began charting BBT for the first time and purchased 4 donor vials for at home inseminations
5/2013 - still charting BBT - bought 4 vials of new donor
6/2013 - still charting BBT - getting ready for July at home insem
7/2 (8:30pm) and 7/4 (12:30am) - Try #16 at home inseminations