Sunday, September 18, 2011

IVF costs what??

Let me start by saying...a child of our own seems like it would be a priceless decision, that any amount of money spent that ends up in a beautiful, healthy baby would be so worth it.  Well if I won the lottery would make decisions so much simpler but unfortunately we are a simple, middle class working couple.  So...when the Dr told us this was the next step for us...our jaws hit the ground.  I started to understand why the procedure overall being that price made sense with the retrievel, monitoring, transfer etc but then the meds too?  YIKES~~how could we ever afford this?  Then it got more crazy when the Dr talked to me about the Attain program which basically gives you a 3 fresh/3 frozen chance with a money back guarantee but at a price tag of 24k and then each fresh try was 3k...ish!  So after taking the summer off and our heads spinning trying to figure out how this will work...we decided that we need to not send ourselves to the poor house and had to be realistic. we are...

We are choosing to do one month for a fresh try and if we are lucky enough to have frozen babies as a backup...then YEAH!!!!  But I feel refreshed, recharged and feel like the fresh IVF is all we will need.  I met with the Dr last week on Wednesday to talk about the process.  Spice couldn't make it to the appointment..bummer!  I felt like I had a great understanding of what was going to take place because of all the reading I do on the blogs.  It was funny because the Dr even you seem to have a great understanding of IVF...and I said...I've been a stalker on so many blogs for over a year now...these women are my strength and support even though they don't even know it yet!  Having said that...doesn't mean I didn't panic when she handed me a bunch of papers to read and had me schedule appointments and gave me a generic idea of the timing...ahhh!  It's amazing how long the summer felt while we were deciding...time DID NOT fly by but now...whoa!  My period is hopefully making an appearance next weekend and I start birth control pills [insert chuckle]. Then we have our RN consult on Oct 10th and that's when the big check needs to be written (thank you 401k) and the tentative start date for stims is Oct 21st.  Crazy!!!  It's a month away...but I can't lie...a little panic but so much excitement too!  We are really doing this....


  1. Hi Sugar, nice to 'meet you'. Will be following along. Gosh that does sound expensive!! We just wouldn't have been able to afford it!

  2. Hi and welcome! Glad you've found us! And Ivf sucks, even if you do know (sort of) what you're getting yourself into. I thought I knew what was coming with all the shots--but i did NOT expect to have to go in every single day for bloodwork and monitoring. It's been worth it, though! Good luck!
    two more quick things: 1. wordpress is probably a better way to go because it's easier for people to comment and you can eventually password protect posts if you want to put up pictures or say something sensitive and not have the whole world see it.
    2. where in the midwest are you? Near Chicago at all?

  3. thanks for the recent comment... i'm happy to have found your site. IVF is intense and does as Isa put it suck... in all kinds of ways. the areas I thought I would struggle with the most (giving the shots) turned out fine but it is quite a ride. so hang on and I look forward to following and will be sending lots of luck!
