Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Just a quick post so I can "say" out loud that I'm a little nervous.  I have my saline sonogram and trial transfer in less than an hour and I'm a bit nervous.  Nervous if it will hurt, nervous of the results...just nervous.  They said it's similar to IUI and the HSG test and that I can just go back to work...ummm no.  So I'm going to at least work from home afterwards.  Thank goodness my peers and boss are awesome about my time away from the office and the ability to work from home.  Phew!  But still nervous!  I also had my OAR blood test last Friday and that takes 10-14 days...yikes!  Wish that was a little sooner but what do you do...wait!  I've gotten really good at that in the last year and a half. 

Well - time to shut 'er down!  I will blog later on how it went!  Fingers crossed!!


  1. My SHG was nothing like my HSG. NOTHING. Hope yours was easy as well and that you get great results!

  2. It was mostly painless..thank goodness! Only a little cramping
